AI challenges in Higher Educational Institutions (March 5, 2025)

We will hear perspectives from India, Japan, Singapore and Europe!

#Digital skills #Cybersecurity #AI #Digital education and skills #education #Edtech
March 05, 2025 - 10:00 to 11:30 (Brussels)
Online. ZOOM. Link will also be shared with registered participants closer to the event via email. Meeting ID: 852 6076 4308 Passcode: 441683

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize higher education, it brings not only opportunities but also significant challenges. This webinar will explore how institutions around the world are navigating these challenges, with a special focus on cybersecurity risks.

We’ll hear from experts across three regions—India, Japan, Singapore and Europe—who will share unique insights into the specific hurdles and innovative approaches being taken in their respective regions. From AI-driven security threats to evolving government regulations and institutional strategies, this session will highlight the global nature of the issue and the need for cross-border collaboration.

Join us for a deep dive into how AI is reshaping teaching and research in higher educational institutions, and discover how universities and policy-makers are working to meet these challenges across Europe and the Indo-Pacific.

Total Duration: 90 minutes

1. Introduction and Welcome (10 minutes)
  • Brief introduction of the moderator and the session's purpose
  • Brief introduction of INPACE and Digital Partnerships
  • Brief explanation of why we chose this topic
  • Quick introduction of each speaker

2. The Challenges of AI in higher education in Japan (15 minutes)
Paul Raine (15 minutes)

  • The use of AI for language learning
  • The cultural specifics of Japan and AI

3. The Challenges of AI in higher education in Singapore (15 minutes)
Michael Klemm (15 minutes)

  • The challenges and opportunities of using AI in Singapore
  • Employability, education technology and entrepreneurship 

4. Challenges of using AI in research in India (15 minutes)
Dr. Ramesh Sharma (15 mins)

  • The AIs impact on teaching, learning and assessment
  • Key challenges faced by educational and research institutions
  • Emerging solutions  from India

5. Cybersecurity AI challenges in Higher Education Institutions in Europe (15 minutes)
Prof. Nineta Polemi (15 mins)

  • AI usage across European universities and its impact on cybersecurity
  • Best practices for AI-driven cybersecurity in educational settings

6. Panel Discussion: Addressing Global AI and Cybersecurity Challenges in Research and Education (15 minutes)
Moderator facilitates a panel discussion with all three speakers.
  • Key comparison of challenges and solutions across India, Japan and Europe.
  • How can Digital Partnerships help improve the challenges the AI brings to higher education institutions?
  • The role of government policies, academic institutions, and the private sector.

7. Closing Remarks (5 minutes)